Friday, June 10, 2011

Flying Fortress Launch

Hey everyone!
Its official, Flying Fortress is up and running! My roommates and I have started our own art group (Flying Fortess). We have a blog, and soon a website.
Flying Fortress
Plus, you can check us out on society6 and buy our stuff. More things for sale very soon
To help kick off our launch we had a gallery party at our place and we sold a lot of pieces along side friends. It was pretty awesome. Here are two pieces i made for special for the gallery. I was really happy with how they came out

the sketches

and the finals. The are titled from left to right "The Cowards" and "The Outcast", both only 4 x 6, pretty small. my buddy matt keeps pushing me to work larger, so i think for my next paintings i will try to expand.
but until then, here are two little flowers i also put in the gallery

and some more jellyfish because they are so much fun to draw
got tons more stuff but saving it for later. stay cool america!

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